另类精品酒店设计 El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学

2020-05-15 郑州大境装饰设计公司 阅读

孤单是一种美,空间中的孤寂也是一种美。今天勃朗设计小编为您推荐的另类精品酒店设计项目在于埃及,哪里有天蓝色的泻湖、广阔的远景和绵延的沙丘。从Casa Cook的最新度假胜地探索红海海岸。这家新建的El Gouna酒店于2019年11月开业,是Thomas Cook屡获殊荣的精品酒店系列中的第五家。

Loneliness is a kind of beauty, and loneliness in space is also a kind of beauty. Today, the alternative boutique hotel design project recommended by Blanc Design Co., Ltd. is in Egypt, where there are sky blue lagoons, broad prospects and endless sand dunes. Explore the Red Sea coast from Casa cook's latest resort. The new El Gouna hotel opened in November 2019 and is the fifth in Thomas Cook's award-winning collection of boutique hotels.

另类精品酒店设计   El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学

另类精品酒店设计   El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学

另类精品酒店设计   El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学

El Gouna向我们展示了埃及的另一面。拥有100间客房的仅限成人入住的酒店位于棕榈树的两侧,坐落在沙漠沙丘之中,是夏天放松身心的理想基地。崎岖的景观与当代阿拉伯建筑和繁华的热带丛林并列-你自己的隐居地。底色,柔软的天然材料,光线与阴影,风沙,这些都是设计考虑的所有要素。精品酒店设计公司将它们结合在一起令人信服地捕捉到了这个红海地区的独特之处。

El Gouna shows us the other side of Egypt. The 100 room adult only hotel is located on both sides of the palm tree and in the desert sand dunes. It is an ideal base for relaxing in summer. Rugged landscapes juxtapose with contemporary Arab architecture and bustling tropical jungles - your own retreat. The background color, soft natural materials, light and shadow, sandstorm, these are all elements of design consideration. Together, boutique hotel design companies convincingly capture the uniqueness of this red sea area.

另类精品酒店设计   El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学

另类精品酒店设计   El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学

另类精品酒店设计   El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学

从标准房到别墅的各种房间,都给人一种古朴而又私密的感觉,就像一个家外之家。每间客房均设有自己的私人露台,而优质的屋顶露台房间拥有广阔的日落美景。橙色和红色的阴影抵消了绿色和蓝色的暗色调,而原始的木制家具和失去光泽的陶瓷则营造出一种被削减的奢华感。 装饰是简单和别致的,辅以藤条内饰和中性亚麻。

All kinds of rooms, from standard rooms to villas, give people a sense of simplicity and privacy, just like a home away from home. Each guest room has its own private terrace, and the high-quality roof terrace room has a broad sunset beauty. The shades of orange and red cancel out the dark tones of green and blue, while the original wooden furniture and lusterless ceramics create a reduced sense of luxury. The decoration is simple and chic, supplemented by rattan interior and neutral linen. 

另类精品酒店设计   El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学

另类精品酒店设计   El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学

另类精品酒店设计   El Gouna酒店设计的孤寂美学


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